Marie Hunter Beauty
"Since the beginning, I have always believed that beauty should be simple and ethical.
Ten years ago, shopping for cosmetics meant deciphering between an array of multi-step makeup routines and products chock-full of harmful chemicals. You literally had to pick your poison - cosmetics that would mask who you really were or those that would damage you from the outside in.
Like many of you, I knew that our products didn’t have to come with such comprise. I believed (and still do!) that real beauty - both simple and safe - could be achieved. I wanted to see a change in the cosmetics industry for modern women seeking confidence, without compromise, in their cosmetics. This desire became the beginning motivation behind Marie Hunter."
KeNisha Ruff - Founder and Creative Director
Marie Hunter - Prosecco Candle
Marie Hunter - Leather + Suede Candle
Marie Hunter - Tuberose Candle